We are pleased to announce that we have added new services of haircuts. Now you can get your haircut and beauty treatment in one place. Enhance Beauty salon, Hamilton.
What’s new
Layer cut.
Most of you know that layer cut is far perfect hair cut for log hair; from top to bottom of your hair, our professional hair designer makes it perfect layers.
French cut.
French cut is one of the most loved haircuts for women. The hair designer designs French cuts according to your face and makes layers of your hair from top to down. To look sexier, this is the perfect cut. Enhance beauty now provides Frenz cut for only $10.
Straight cut
Want it simple, make it simple.
Hair henna.
Natural colouring into your hair. Everyone loves their hair; inches make you sexier, so why would you treat your hair with chemicals? Here is an excellent way to hide your grey hair into colure hair with natural remedy henna.
Head oil massage
Get relaxed at your beauty salon; you don’t have to go anywhere else to get a head massage. Enhance beauty provides head oil massage now for only $30
Hair straight (temporary).
Enhance beauty now do quick hair straightening. Walk in for your temporary hair straightening in a hurry going to a wedding or birthday party.
In conclusion
One stop for all your beauty needs. Our customers now don’t need to go somewhere else for their haircuts. Enhance beauty will be your one-stop destination. If you have visited our salon, please let us know your thoughts.